行如其人 Do As What You Are 一个人的言行举止往往能够反映出其内心的真实面貌。正如古语所说:“行如其人”。这句话告诫我们,在日常生活中,我们应该以自己的行为来塑造一个良好的形象,而不仅仅是依靠口头上的承诺。 英语美文 形象 品质 承诺 2023-07-28 2119 阅读
心碎 Heart-broken 小时候,我很顽皮,忘记了妈妈交代过的事情。有一次,我回家很晚,当我看到妈妈时,她先是微笑,然后马上就生气了,因为她以前告诉我,如果我回家晚了,就必须提前告诉她。 小学英语作文 妈妈 一件难忘的事 微笑 2019-05-23 1831 阅读
我许下的诺言 The Promise I Make 今天,我妈妈因为有事情要做,所以她要我见她的朋友。我许下在她回家前会打扫完房子的诺言。 小学英语作文 电脑游戏 承诺 失望 2019-04-09 2082 阅读
小路 The Small Road 我家附近有一条小道路,我可以走这条路去学校,这样可以缩短时间。有一天晚上,天黑了,我有点害怕,但是我还是决定走这条路。 小学英语作文 妈妈 危险 害怕 2019-01-19 1855 阅读
父亲的承诺 Father’s Promise The role of a father is as great as a mother, because he has to raise the whole family. I always complain about my father before, because he is busy all the time. 小学英语作文 伟大 承诺 感动 2018-01-02 2425 阅读
坚守承诺 Keep the Promise My father is a stubborn man, and he always keeps what he thinks is right. He is such a strong man in my mind, because he never breaks his promise. 初中英语作文 信任 美德 承诺 2017-06-09 3800 阅读
朋友的承诺 The Promise of a Friend I like to make friends, because I can talk to them and learn from them. But the trustful friends are not easy to make. Luckily, I have one. 高中英语作文 朋友 信任 道歉 2017-05-11 3071 阅读
最后的几天 The Last Few Days Now the winter holiday will pass soon, I suddenly remember that I haven’t finished my homework yet and answered my friend’s invitation. 高中英语作文 寒假 邀请 承诺 2017-03-15 3120 阅读
约定 The Appointment Last night, my best friend and I see a funny movie. In the movie, the little boy made an appointment with his friends in ten years. 小学英语作文 电影 启发 承诺 2017-03-08 2738 阅读