May 4th Youth Day originated from the May 4th Movement of 1919 in China. At that time, the failure of China's Paris diplomacy caused widespread protests at home. On May 4, university students in Beijing and young people elsewhere staged a massive demonstration, demanding that the government stop making concessions to the Paris Peace Conference, oppose imperialist aggression and defend China's sovereignty. The demonstration was suppressed by the police, but it became an important event in Chinese history, marking the climax of China's bourgeois democratic revolution.

五四青年节源于中国 1919 年五四运动。当时,中国的巴黎外交的失败引起了国内广泛的抗议活动。5 月 4 日,北京的大学生和其他地方的年轻人举行了大规模的示威游行,要求政府停止对巴黎和会的让步,反对帝国主义的侵略,保卫中国的主权。这次示威游行遭到了警察的镇压,但是这次活动成为了中国历史上的一次重要事件,标志着中国资产阶级民主革命的高潮。


Since then, May 4 has been regarded as a Chinese youth festival, known as "Youth Day". During the Cultural Revolution, the holiday was given new meaning, becoming a festival for "Red guards" and "educated youth." After the reform and opening up, the festival restored its historical appearance and became one of the festivals celebrated by Chinese young people.

此后,5 月 4 日被作为中国的青年人的节日,称为“青年节”。在文化大革命期间,这个节日被赋予了新的含义,成为了“红卫兵”和“知青”的节日。在改革开放以后,这个节日重新恢复了它的历史原貌,成为了中国青年人的庆祝节日之一。


On this momentous day, I have three hopes:


First, I hope the majority of young people can continue to learn and accumulate knowledge, improve their overall quality. In today's world, science and technology change with each passing day, the speed of knowledge update is very fast, only by constantly learning and updating their own knowledge, in order to meet the requirements of The Times. Secondly, I hope that young people can have the courage to explore and innovate, give full play to their own wisdom, and open up new ideas and ways.


Second, I hope the majority of young people can pay attention to personal quality and moral cultivation, have a strong sense of social responsibility and patriotic feelings. Young people, especially the new young people, are the future and hope of the motherland. Only by being a responsible, responsible and caring person can we make our own contribution to the prosperity and development of the motherland.


Thirdly, it is hoped that the contemporary youth can accept to be the successors of this new era and shoulder the great responsibility and mission. In this era full of opportunities and challenges, I hope you can establish a correct outlook on life and values, carry forward the May Fourth spirit, and strive to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!


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五四青年节 May 4th Youth Day