Before the national holiday, I read a book Chemical Secret, which was borrowed from Cill and whose author is Tim Vicary, an experienced teacher and writer. With the curiosity, I really want to know what chemical secret is so I choose to read it.

国庆之前,我读了一本书叫《化工秘密》。这本书是从Cill那里借来的,作者是Tim Vicary,一位经验丰富的老师兼作家。出于好奇,我真的很想知道那个化工秘密是什么,因此我看了它

 From the abstract of this book, few people commit a crime deliberately, but most people turn blind eyes to some crimes, such as destroying the sky, the sea and land. They are harmful to our earth, but some of us still close our eyes and pretend not to see it.


 The protagonist, John Duncan, 45 years old, is a biologist and father of two children. He is a knowledgeable and honesty person, but when he is in front of fame and wealth, he becomes a blind man and liar.

主人公John Duncan45岁,是个生物学家,同时也是两个孩子的父亲。他是个学士渊博而且诚实的人,但是在名利面前他就变成了一个瞎子和骗子。

 Happiness won’t last forever. John lived a happy life and ran a business when his wife, a famous sailor, was still alive. But after his wife died in a storm, he became a poor man. Leaving his two children, he found it hard to live.Actually, they lived in a old flat and ate awful food.


Luck would come later. Fortunately, John took a job at a chemical factory where he made paint for cars after an interview. His work was just to make sure that everything here was safe, but the boss, David, would give him a high salary. On Monday, Mary, David’s secretary, showed him around the factory. This company was beginning to make a lot of money from this paint.


However, John was shocked by an experiment that the baby rat whose mother have had a lot of these chemical in their drinking water. So he wrote a report and persuade his boss to build some machines to clean the waste products, but it was useless. But if he keeps the secret,he will gain much more money or he will lost the job. John chose to keep it. But Mary left after knowing the fact. On a public inquiry, John said the waste products were not dangerous because no one would drink the water with them. Nevertheless, his face turned gray when he heard that his daughter who have been pregnant, had drank them in an accident to fight to this factory ,so he felt so guilty about his behaviors.


After reading it, I realize that we only have one earth, everyone has responsibilities to protect it. John isn't a good father, he hides the fact and tells a lie. But his daughter fight to the chemical factory and protect people’s right. We should learn form her and try our best to protect our environment from polluting.What’s more, I hate the boss who just thinks about the benefit of himself, I think there are some businessmen like this boss,they are so selfish and this boss just a reflection of the bad business men.


Finally, whatever you do and whoever you are, you must think about the people and show respect to them. We live in the same earth, so please try to take care of it. If you can’t do that, you will be punished sooner or later. 


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