三、单项填空(共15分,每小题1分)   (解析老师:木子)

(    )11.Scott often plays________ guitar after _________ breakfast
A.the;/         B./;/        C.a;the       D.the;a

(    )12.I have a big family.This is my sister_________ those are my parents
A.and            B.but            C.why          D.or

(    )13.This is my watch.Where is________ watch?
A.she            B.me             C.he          D.her

(    )14.________ your friend like tomatoes?
A.Is             B.Are             C.Does       D.Do
解析:此题考察助动词的用法,句中like为动词,其一般疑问句用助动词do或does,your friend是一个人,所以用单三形式does。

(    )15.How many chairs are there? _______ ten chairs.
A.There is         B.There are       C.It is       D.They are
解析:此题考察there be句型,ten chairs是复数形式,所以用there are。

(    )16.The girl is from_________ and she is________
A.China;Chinese           B.English;England
C.American;America        D.Chinese;China

(    )17.Mum,_________ is my American pen pal,David.
A.these          B.this              C.she          D.those

(    )18.Can you swim,Julia?
No.I__________. __________I can skate.
A.can’t;And       B.can;But       C.can’t;But     D.can;And
解析:此题考察情态动词的用法,can开头的一般疑问句,肯定回答用yes,I can;否定回答用no,I can’t;再有,第二个空表转折,用but。

(   )19.What are your_________ jobs?
A.parents       B.parents’      C.parent         D.parent’s

(   )20.She________ she can__________ English.
A.say;speak    B.speak;say     C.says;speak    D.says;speaks

(   )21.He can’t get into the room because he________ a key
A.hasn’t got      B.doesn’t        C.isn’t          D.aren’t
解析:have \has got可表示“有,拥有”,其否定形式是haven’t \ hasn’t got。

(   )22.Where are the trees? They are________ the house.
A.next          B.on             C.under         D.in front of
解析:此题考察介词的用法,next“靠近”,on“在……上面”,under“在……下面”,in front of“在……前面(某物体外部的前面)”。

(   )23.Have we got_________ juice?
Yes,we’ve got________ juice but we haven’t got______ milk
A.some;any;any         B.any;some;any
C.any;any;some         D.some;some;any

(   )24.There are two________ students in our school.
A.thousand       B.hundreds       C.thousands     D.hundreds of
解析:此题考察数词的用法,出现具体数字时,hundred和thousand之后不加s,而词组hundreds of或thousands of不与具体数字连用。

(   )25._________?
She’s my mother.
A.HOW is this    B.What’s she  C.Where’s this D.Who’s this

四、完形填空(共10分,每小题1分) (解析老师:木子)

Li Ming is a middle school student now.He’s very__26__ to come to the new school.He
__27__L new teachers and many friends.__28__are all very friendly
  He often gets up at 7:(30 in the morning.__29__ he eats breakfast at 7:2CL He usually comes
to school at 7:do.Classes __30__ at 8:m He has maths,Chinese,English lessons__31__ 8:00
to 11:00 In the afternoon,He has other lessons __32__ music,art,P.E and computer.He often
plays __33__his classmates after 5:00.He likes playing football.He eats dinner at 6:30.Usually
he doesn’t __34__TV in the evening.He does his homework.He goes to bed at about 9:20.He
__35__his day very much.

(   )26.A.beautiful    B.polite     C.happy        D.late

(   )27.A.have       B.there is    C.there are      D.has

(   )28.A.They       B.He        C.We           D.Their

(   )29.A.Then       B.After      C.When         D.Again

(   )30.A.begins      B.begin     C.have          D.has

(   )31.A.at         B.from       C.about         D.in

(   )32.A.1ike       B.are like     C.likes          D.is like

(   )33.A.and        B.to         C.with          D.of 

(   )34.A.100k       B.read       C.see           D.watch

(   )35.A.works      B.starts       C.studies       D.enjoys

五、阅读理解(共15分,每小题1分) (解析老师:木子)

There are some new students in my class this term.John is from Tokyo.He speaks Japanese
very well.Mike comes from New York.He is twelve years old.Kathy’s mother-town is Paris.David
lives in Toronto.He is now in our city with his parents.And the tallest girl,Vicky is from Brazil.
She likes soccer very much.The other forty students are all Chinese.They get on well with each

(   )36.John is from_________ .
A.China           B.Japan          C.Japanese          D.the USA
解析:细节题   从文章的第二句话可得出。

(   )37.Where does Mike come from?
A.He comes from England.          B.He is from France.
C.He comes from the USA.          D.He is from Japan.
解析:细节题   从文章第四句话可得知。

(   )38.Which is NOT right?
A.David is a Canadian.
B.David’s parents are in Canada now.
C.David and his parents are all in China now.
D.David can speak English and French very well
解析:此题是上下文推断题   从文章的第三行可得知。  

(   )39.Vicky___________
A.is short             B.is from Argentina
C.likes soccer          D.doesn’t like China
解析:细节题   从文章第四行可得知。

(   )40.There are_________ students in our class.
A.forty            B.forty-two           C.forty-five      D.forty-three

The Skyscrapers in New York City
New Y0rk is the most exciting city in the United States.It is not only the center of commerce
and business for the United States.but also one of the three“world cities”.Together with London
and Tokyo,it controls the world’s finance.There are many high-rise business buildings in this city.
People call them skyscrapers.The tallest skyscraper was the World Trade Center.It had one hun-dred and ten floors.Sadly,this building was destroyed(被摧毁)by the terrorist attack on Sept.11, 2001,and yet,the glory and image of it still remain vividly(生动地)in the memory of the world people.The Empire State Building is not as tall as the World Trade Center,but it is the tallest building in New York City now.It has 102 floors.The skyscrapers in New York City are world-famous for their grandeur and their beautiful architecture(建筑).Every year millions of people come
to visit them.

(    )41.What kind of city is New York? It is
A.the biggest city         B.the most beautiful city
C.the most exciting city    D.the hottest city
解析:细节题  由文章第二段的第一句话可知。

(   )42.Why is New York very important? Because________
A.it's in the middle              B.it controls the world’s finance
C.it controls the world’s banks     D.it has many people
解析:细节题   由文章第二段的第三行可知。

(   )43.How do people call those high-rise buildings? They call them
A.skyscraper        B.skyscrapers      C.skies      D.scrapers
解析:细节题   由文章第三段的第一句可知。

(   )44.How many floors did the World Trade Center have? It had
A.112          B.92         C.102      D.110
解析:细节题   由文章第三段的第三句可知。

(   )45.What is the Empire State Building famous for? It is__________ .
A.the tallest         B.beautiful and majestic
C.the greatest       D.the oldest
解析:细节题   由文章倒数第二句可知。

In the world,soccer or football is the most popular sport.This is because many countries have
wonderful teams for the World Cup.The World Cup is held(举行)every four years. 
 To remember 2006 FIFA World Cup,children from different countries and more than 60 chil-
dren from Japanese schools came together and spent three weekends drawing a big picture called
“Dream World Cup”in Japan.The children drew animals,flowers,and people playing soccer un-
der a blue bright sky.They wished each football team good luck by drawing the flags of all the coun-
tries that took part in(参加)the World Cup in Japan and South Korea.The picture was put up in
a park near a playground in Yokohama(横滨).Some football teams will have games there.
  Are you a football fan? The World Cup makes more and more people interested in football.
Teenagers like playing and watching football.Many of them love some football stars so much that
they get the pictures of their favourite players such as Figo,Oven and Pauleta.And they put up the
pictures on the wall of their rooms.That is the way to show their love for the World Cup as the
children in Japan.

(   )46.If a country wants to take part in the World Cup,she must have
A.many football fans          B.a very good team
C.many football players        D.a big playground
解析:细节题   由文章第二句可知。

(   )47.The next World Cup will be held in__________
A.2010    B.2007    C.2008 D.2009
解析:细节推断题   由第一段最后一句可知,世界杯每四年一次,由第二段第一句可知,最近一次是2006,所以2006+4=2010年。

(   )48.From the passage,in the picture children drew many things except(除了)
A.people playing football    B.pictures of some football stars
C.a sunny sky             D.flowers
解析:细节推断题   由文章第二段第三行可知。

(   )49.In“Dream World Cup”.the children drew the flags of some countries
A.to show their love for their own(自己的)country
B.to tell the people their stories
C.to show their good wishes for the football teams 
D.t0 show their new ideas about football
解析:细节题   由文章第二段第四行可知。

(   )50.Many teenagers have the pictures of some football stars because
A.they are interested in football
B.they are football fans 
C.they think their favourite players are great
D.all of A,B and C
解析:总结归纳题   由文章最后一段可得知。

二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(共10分,每小题1分) (解析老师:木子)

6.How do I write____my ______ (I)homework on the computer?

7.Connect the monitor to the computer____first________ (one)

8.__Finally_______(final),switch on the computer

9.The__printer______(print)is to print the document

10.How many family____photos______(photo)do you have at home?
A lot of

11.Who is your___father’s________(father)best friend?
   Mr Green.

12.Darning doesn’t__use_______ (use)a computer to do his homework

13.My good friend,Becky,often__ downloads ______ (download)music from the Internet

14.We don’t use the Internet___to  do________ (do)our homework
解析:use……to do sth.“用……做……”

15.Do you like___playing______ (play)computer games on the Internet?
解析:like doing“喜欢做……”


16.How old are you? _________________________________
17.Have you got a computer? _________________________________
18.How many students are there in your class? _________________________________
19.What’s the weather like in winter in Beijing? _________________________________
20.What’s your favourite sport? _________________________________


四、完成下列句子。(共10分,每小题2分) (解析老师:木子)

21.教室里有一块黑板和22套桌椅。There is a blackboard and 22 desks and chairs_____ in the classroom.
解析:此题考察there be句型的用法,there be句型遵循“就近一致”的原则。

22.谢谢你帮助我。_____Thank you for helping __me
解析:thank you for n.\doing sth.“谢谢你……”

23.我们送给她一张音乐会票吧。Let’s _send her a concert ticket.___
解析:send sb. sth.“给某人送某物”

24.咱们周日待在家里吧! _Let’s stay at home___ on Sunday!
解析:考察let’s的用法,意为“让我们……”,其后接动词原型。stay at home“呆在家”

25.你愿意去钓鱼吗? __Would you like to go___ fishing ?
解析:此题考察建议句型would you like to do sth.“你愿意……吗?”

五、阅读与表达。(共10分,每小题2分) (解析老师:木子)
Dear Robert,
How time flies! It's one year since we became(成为)penfriends.I am writing to you in my
school.It is a middle school.I am in Class 1 Grade 1.There are five teachers and forty-five
students in my class
We go to school from Monday to Friday.Usually there are four classes in the morning and three
classes in the afternoon.We often do our homework after school.I have three foreign friends at school One of them is Jack.He’s from Canada.He speaks English,French and a little Chinese.I
like to play games with my friends.We often play football.What about you? Can you tell me some-
thing about your school?
Li Fen


26.Who is the letter to? _________ Robert .______________________
解析:细节题  由文章开头Dear Robert,可知。

27.How many classes does Li Fen have in a day? ________Seven classes._______________________
解析:细节题  由文章第二段第二句可知。

28.When does Li Fen stay at home? _______On Saturday and Sunday. ________________________
解析:细节题  由文章第二段第一句可知。

29.Can Jack speak Chinese? ______Yes, just a little._________________________
解析:细节题  由文章第二段最后一句可知

30.Does Li Fen like sports? _______Yes, he does.________________________
解析:细节题   由文章倒数第四句可知。


31.假设你校校刊决定举行一次以My good friend为题的英语征文比赛,请根据下列提示写一篇50词左右的短文。

My good friend

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