网上查答案 Check Answers Online 互联网的发展给我们的生活带来了很多便利。人们可以使用电脑来提高效率。对于像我这样的学生,我可以使用电脑来找到各种各样的答案。 高中英语作文 困难 互联网 效率 2019-02-28 2497 阅读
真正的校园生活 Real College Life 高中时,老师总是通过刻画大学美好生活来鼓励学生,然而,当他们上大学后发现大学生活跟他们之前想象的很不一样。真正的大学生活跟高中并没有太大的区别。 大学英语作文 兼职 情商 大学生活 2019-01-19 3491 阅读
我的军训时光 My Time of Military Training 军训对于新生来说已经成为一种传统。作为一名高中生,我需要接受这份经历。我很担心自己,因为我很害怕把自己暴露在烈日下。 高中英语作文 传统 困难 高中生 2019-01-10 2431 阅读
我喜欢的事情 The Thing I Like 高中生活对我来说是非常美妙的,我认识了很多好朋友,一起为我们的未来而奋斗。由于我要学习的科目很多,所以我大部分时间都在学习文化知识,但在我内心深处,我喜欢运动,尤其是网球。 高中英语作文 hobby 爱好 学习 2019-01-05 3485 阅读
中国的文化 Chinese Culture Chinese is the necessary subject for students to learn. Even though some students learn Chinese all the time, they know little about Chinese culture. 初中英语作文 责任 兴趣 落后 2017-09-01 6373 阅读
鬼魂存在么 Does Ghost Exist When I was very small, I liked to listen to the bed story and my sister always told me horror stories. I would be very scared and fell asleep soon. 初中英语作文 落后 ghost 鬼魂 2017-04-28 3036 阅读
我在大学学到的东西 The Things I Learn in College When I got the college entrance notice, I was so excited, all of my hard work had paid off. I could see my bright future. 大学英语作文 college 落后 成熟的 2015-10-17 7226 阅读
落后不是输 Lagging Behind Doesn’t Mean Lose When I was very small, I like to read the books with pictures, because I did not know the words. One day, I saw the interesting pictures in the book, 初中英语作文 落后 胜利 rabbit 2015-02-17 5459 阅读
亲爱的日记 Dear Diary I haven’t write diaries for a period of time. I am now writing this just want to remember one thing. My study has fallen behind a lot this term. 初中英语作文 学习 日记 意外 2014-05-13 9175 阅读
学生能否中途换专业Whether Can Students Change Major Halfway It is quite often seen that many students choose the subject but they never attend in college. The reason hide behind this is that they don’t like the subject. On the contrary, they would go to 大学英语作文 学生 大学生 student 2013-07-30 4006 阅读