与幸福相关的东西 The Things Connect With Happiness 幸福的含义因人而异,一些人认为名声和金钱是最大的幸福,而另一些人则视安稳的生活为最珍贵的东西。我们无法判定哪一方是正确的,因为与幸福有关的因素是多方面的。 大学英语作文 金钱 名声 生活方式 2019-04-26 2740 阅读
升国旗 Raising Flag Since I go to school, every Monday, the school has the tradition to hold the ceremony of raising flag. At this moment, when I hear the national anthem, a sense of pride will arise in my heart. 初中英语作文 骄傲 贡献 中国文化 2018-05-29 3397 阅读
自豪感 Feel Proud Recently, in some corners of the world, where are full of danger, like Afghanistan and Pakistan, the war never ends. Or some religious countries, 初中英语作文 Pakistan 自豪感 阿富汗 2016-12-19 3151 阅读
失败与成功 Failure and Success However, failure is the mother of success. One failure doesn’t mean you can never be successful. It depends on what we do to deal with failure. 高中英语作文 成功 失败 failure 2013-03-20 15350 阅读