火Fire If you use the fire in the right way, it can help you, but if you use it in the wrong way, it may hurt you. 初中英语作文 warm 燃烧 温暖 2016-02-26 4054 阅读
爱的火焰(The flame of love) 假设你拥有一切,良好的工作,身体健康,良好的信誉,良好的合作关系和花很多钱。但仍然有一些从你的生活失踪。猜怎么着?爱。这不是你应该忽略。没有爱的生命,就像没有soul.love机构是具有意义,因为没有爱情生活的生活是没有意义的。幸运的是人,谁得到的 大学英语作文 他们 生活 自己 2010-02-12 4987 阅读
燃烧垃圾对人有害Burning Rubbish Is Harmful to Peopl Burning Rubbish Is Harmful to People A few days ago, I went to the railway station to see my friend off. On the way I saw street leaners burning garbage. I know they were trying to get rid of rubbish 高中英语作文 他们 垃圾 rubbish 2010-01-03 5160 阅读