《我是歌手》之我见 My Opinion Towards I AM A SINGER Nowadays, there are an increasing number of singing competitions and talent shows on TV, making lots of people dazzled. 大学英语作文 TV 娱乐 才能 2014-05-27 6993 阅读
对于潜在职员,雇主看中的是什么呢?What Does Employers Look for in Potential Employees? Knowing what an employer is looking for in a potential employee can help us to prepare for an interview. 大学英语作文 才能 求职者 talent 2013-06-17 5755 阅读
怎样才能成功How to Aohieve Success How to Aohieve Success(如何取得成功)1.人们对成功的理解;2.我对成功的看法;3.如何取得成功。[写作导航]第一段可写不同的人对于成功持不同的观点,有人认为能赚大钱就是成功,有人认为高官显赫方为成功,还有人认为能成为名校的教授就是成功。然后写“ 英语美文 我们 成功 认为 2010-01-08 6611 阅读