学会管理你的情绪 Learn to manage your emotions 在这个快节奏的世界里,情绪波动似乎是常态。有时我们充满了快乐、兴奋和满足,而有时我们感到焦虑、沮丧和失落。情绪就像一把双刃剑,既可以推动我们前进,也可以让我们陷入困境。因此,学会管理情绪成为我们每个人必须面对的挑战。 英语作文范文 放松 情绪 冷静 2024-01-13 106 阅读
当我们生气了 When We Get Angry How to control emotion is always the tough question to be solved. When people are angry, it is easy for them to lose control and speak ill words to others, even to the ones that they love. 高中英语作文 伤害 幸运 情绪 2017-12-25 3008 阅读
地震袭击 Earthquake Attacked Yesterday afternoon, when I was sitting in the classroom and listening to the teacher. Suddenly, the screen seemed moving and it started to shake. 初中英语作文 老师 地震 earthquake 2017-05-15 2852 阅读