"Please park as soon as possible" is the correct way to say "请尽快停车" in English.

The phrase "as soon as possible" is a common way to express a sense of urgency in English. It is often abbreviated as "ASAP."

Here are some example sentences using the phrase "as soon as possible" in different contexts:

"Please finish the report and send it to me as soon as possible." (请尽快完成报告并发给我。)
"Can you fix the broken window as soon as possible? It's getting cold outside." (你能尽快修好那扇破窗户吗?外面冷了。)
"I need to book a flight for next week, so please let me know your availability as soon as possible." (我需要下周预订机票,所以请尽快告诉我你的可用情况。)

最佳回答 2023-05-10