薄雪的春天英语可以表示为 "thin snow in spring" 或 "a light snowfall in spring". 这个说法来源于中文,它描述了在春天,雪不太厚,只有薄薄的一层。下面是一些英文例句及其中文翻译:

The trees were covered in a thin layer of snow, a sign of the light snowfall we had experienced earlier in the day. (树上覆盖着一层薄雪,这是我们当天早些时候经历过轻雪的标志。)
Despite the cold weather, the ground was still visible through the thin snow. (尽管天气寒冷,地面还是透过薄雪可见。)
The light snowfall added a magical touch to the already picturesque landscape. (薄雪为已经如画般的风景增添了一丝魔力。)

最佳回答 2023-05-07