Yes, animals can survive. In English, you can say "Can animals survive?" or "Do animals have the ability to survive?"

The concept of survival comes from the natural world, where living things must find ways to continue living despite challenges and obstacles. In the animal kingdom, this can include finding food and water, avoiding predators, and adapting to changes in the environment.

Here are some example sentences and translations in English and Chinese:

"The lion is a skilled hunter and can survive in a variety of environments." (狮子是一个熟练的猎人,能在各种环境中生存。)
"Many species of birds migrate long distances to survive the winter." (许多种鸟类迁徙很远以应对冬天的生存。)
"Plants also have to survive, by photosynthesizing sunlight and absorbing nutrients from the soil." (植物也必须生存,通过光合作用吸收阳光和土壤中的营养。)

最佳回答 2023-05-07