"Discounted price terms" is a term that refers to the conditions under which a product or service is offered at a discounted price. These terms may include the duration of the discount, the types of products or services that are eligible for the discount, and any limitations or restrictions on the use of the discount. The source of discounted price terms may vary, but they can often be found in sales promotions, special offers, or other marketing materials.

Here are a few examples of discounted price terms in English, along with their translations in Chinese:

"This discount is valid for purchases made before the end of the month." (这个折扣有效期到本月月底。)

"This offer is only available to members of our loyalty program." (这个优惠只对我们的忠诚度计划成员开放。)

"The discount cannot be combined with other promotions or discounts." (折扣不能与其他促销或折扣结合使用。)

"This discounted price is only available for online purchases." (这个优惠价格只适用于在线购买。)

最佳回答 2023-05-07