你可以用 "reunite with a German girl" 来表示 "和德国女孩重逢"。

"Reunite" 是一个动词,意思是使两个或多个被分离的人或事物再次聚集在一起。它来自拉丁文 "re-" 和 "unire",意思是 "再次" 和 "联合"。

下面是一些用 "reunite" 的英文例句和中文翻译:

She couldn't wait to reunite with her family after being away for so long. (她迫不及待想要和家人重聚,因为她离家已经有很长时间了。)
The soldiers were overjoyed to reunite with their loved ones after the war. (战争结束后,这些士兵非常高兴能和亲人团聚。)
The missing hikers were finally reunited with their rescue team after being lost in the wilderness for days. (这些失踪的徒步者在荒野迷路了好几天后,终于和救援队重聚了。)

最佳回答 2023-05-02