"善待有缘人"在英文中可以翻译成"treat those who have a karmic connection kindly"或者"be kind to those who are destined to meet."这个表达来源于佛教中的观念,即人与人之间有缘分,即使是陌生人,也可能有着某种缘分,因此应该对对方友善相待。


"In Buddhism, it is believed that we should treat those who have a karmic connection kindly, as they may be our friends or loved ones in a past life."(在佛教中,人们相信我们应该善待有缘人,因为他们可能是我们的朋友或前世的爱人。)

"It's important to be kind to those who are destined to meet, as they may have a special purpose in our lives."(对于有缘人,善待他们是很重要的,因为他们可能在我们的生命中有着特殊的目的。)

"Even though we may not know why we were brought together, it's important to treat those with a karmic connection with respect and kindness."(即使我们不知道为什么会相遇,对于有缘人也应该尊重并善待他们。)

最佳回答 2023-05-02