"Patient and honest" is a way to describe someone who is both patient and honest in English.

The word "patient" means that a person is able to wait or endure something difficult or unpleasant without becoming angry or upset. For example, a patient person might be able to wait in a long line without getting frustrated.

The word "honest" means that a person is truthful, sincere, and not likely to deceive others. For example, an honest person might tell the truth even if it is difficult or might admit when they have made a mistake.

Here are some examples of how you might use these words in a sentence:

"I appreciate your patience in helping me understand this difficult concept." (感谢你耐心地帮助我理解这个难懂的概念。)
"I trust her because she has always been honest with me." (我信任她,因为她一直对我诚实。)
"He is a very patient teacher, always willing to explain things until his students understand." (他是一个非常耐心的老师,总是愿意解释直到学生们理解为止。)
"She has a reputation for being honest and straightforward in all her business dealings." (她以在所有商业交易中都诚实直率而闻名。)

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