在英语中,"feel at ease" 或 "feel relaxed" 都可以表示 "感到轻松" 的意思。

"Feel at ease" 来自中文 "感到轻松" 的直译,它表示在某种程度上感觉舒适、自在或安心。例如:

I always feel at ease when I'm around my family. (我和家人在一起时总是感到轻松。)
She tried to make me feel at ease by chatting with me before the interview. (她试图通过和我聊天来让我感到轻松,以应对面试。)

"Feel relaxed" 也表示感到轻松,但其中的 "relaxed" 指的是没有压力、放松的状态。例如:

I feel relaxed after a long day of work. (工作一天后我感觉很轻松。)
She felt relaxed after taking a hot bath. (她洗了个热水澡后感到很轻松。)

最佳回答 2023-04-21