五点 (5点) in English can be translated as "five o'clock" or simply "five."

来源 (lái yuán): The phrase "five o'clock" comes from the way people used to tell time using a clock with a face that has 12 hours marked on it. The hours are traditionally marked with Roman numerals, and the numbers on the clock face are arranged in such a way that the number 12 is at the top, the number 6 is at the bottom, the number 3 is on the right, and the number 9 is on the left. When the short hand of the clock points directly at the number 5, it is 5 o'clock.


"I have a meeting at five o'clock this afternoon." (我今天下午五点有一个会议。)
"I usually go to bed at around ten o'clock at night." (我通常晚上十点左右上床睡觉。)
"The store closes at nine o'clock on weekdays." (商店周一至周五晚上九点关门。)

最佳回答 2023-04-11