"征象" (zheng xiang) is a Chinese term that can be translated as "symptom" or "indication" in English. It refers to any manifestation or sign of a particular condition or disease that can be observed by an individual or a healthcare professional.

The word "symptom" comes from the Greek word "symptoma," which means "falling together" or "coincidence." This refers to the idea that symptoms often occur in combination or in conjunction with a particular condition or disease.

Here are some examples of how "symptom" can be used in English sentences:

"One of the most common symptoms of the flu is a high fever." (感冒的常见症状之一是发高烧。)
"He has been experiencing chest pain and shortness of breath, which are symptoms of a heart attack." (他一直有胸痛和呼吸困难的症状,这是心脏病发作的征象。)
"The rash on her skin is a symptom of an allergic reaction." (她皮肤上的皮疹是过敏反应的征象。)

"Indication" is another word that can be used to translate "征象." This word refers to a sign or clue that suggests something is likely to be true or will happen.

Here are some examples of how "indication" can be used in English sentences:

"The increase in temperature is an indication that the patient may have a fever." (体温升高是患有发烧的征象。)
"The survey results are an indication that most people support the proposal." (调查结果表明,大多数人支持这一提议。)
"The clouds in the sky are an indication that it will rain soon." (天空中的云是将要下雨的征象。)

最佳回答 2023-03-30