
在英文中,"立足新时代"可以译为 "stand in the new era" 或 "base oneself in the new era"。

下面是一些使用 "stand in the new era" 的例句:

"As we stand in the new era, we must embrace the challenges and opportunities that come with it." (我们立足新时代,必须拥抱随之而来的挑战和机遇。)
"To stand in the new era, we must adapt to the changing world around us." (要立足新时代,我们必须适应周围变化的世界。)

下面是一些使用 "base oneself in the new era" 的例句:

"In order to base oneself in the new era, it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies." (为了立足新时代,重要的是要跟上最新的趋势和技术。)
"By basing oneself in the new era, we can make the most of the opportunities it brings." (通过立足新时代,我们可以充分利用它带来的机会。)

最佳回答 2023-03-24