To evaluate in English means to assess or judge the worth, importance, or quality of something. This phrase comes from the Latin word "evaluare," which means "to estimate the value of."

Here are some examples of how "evaluate" can be used in English, with translations into Chinese:

"The teacher will evaluate the students' progress at the end of the semester." (老师将在学期结束时评估学生的进度。)
"The company hired an external consultant to evaluate their marketing strategies." (公司聘请了外部顾问来评估他们的营销策略。)
"The organization conducts regular evaluations of its employees' performance." (该组织定期评估员工的表现。)

Note that "evaluate" can also be used as a verb, as in the examples above, or as a noun, as in the following example:

"The evaluation found that the new software was more efficient than the old one." (评估发现新软件比旧软件更有效率。)

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