"Essay" 来源于拉丁语 "exagium",意思是 "weighing" 或 "balancing",指的是对一个问题或论题进行思考和评估的过程。"Composition" 来源于拉丁语 "compositio",意思是"组成"或"构成",指的是把许多元素组合起来成为一个整体的过程。
I have to write an essay for my English class. (我必须为我的英语课写一篇文章。)
The composition should be at least 500 words long. (这篇作文应该至少有500个单词。)
I'm struggling to come up with a good topic for my essay. (我很难想出一个好的文章题目。)
My teacher gave me a lot of feedback on my composition. (我的老师给了我很多关于我的作文的反馈。)
I always try to make my essays interesting and informative. (我总是尽力让我的文章有趣且有用。)

最佳回答 2023-03-21