To pitch a tent in English.

The phrase "to pitch a tent" means to set up a temporary shelter using a piece of equipment called a tent. The tent is typically made of fabric or other waterproof material and is supported by poles. The act of pitching a tent involves assembling the poles, attaching the tent to the poles, and securing the tent to the ground.

The origin of the phrase "to pitch a tent" is not entirely clear, but it is likely related to the act of throwing or pitching the tent into position. The word "pitch" has been used in this sense for many centuries and is thought to have originally come from the Old English word "pician," which means "to prick or pierce."

Examples of how to use the phrase "to pitch a tent" in a sentence:

I need to pitch a tent before it gets dark.
We pitched our tent on a grassy spot near the river.
Can you help me pitch the tent? I've never done it before.

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最佳回答 2023-02-04