"Help you live a happy life" 这个表达的英文可以翻译为 "assist you in living a happy life" 或者 "aid you in leading a happy life." 这个表达的来源可能是希望帮助某人使他们的生活变得更快乐或者更愉快。下面是一些使用这个表达的英文例句,以及它们的中文翻译:

"I want to do everything I can to help you live a happy life." (我想尽我所能帮助你过上快乐的生活。)
"Our goal is to assist you in living a happy life, no matter what challenges you may face." (我们的目标是帮助你过上快乐的生活,不管你会遇到哪些挑战。)
"We are here to aid you in leading a happy life, and we will do everything we can to support you." (我们在这里帮助你过上快乐的生活,我们会尽一切努力支持你。)

最佳回答 2023-03-17