"Do I need a passport to travel abroad?" is the most common way to ask this question in English.

The phrase "travel abroad" means to go to a foreign country, or a country other than the one in which you live. It is used to describe the act of leaving your own country and going to another country for any reason, such as vacation, work, or study.

Here are some other example sentences using the phrase "travel abroad":

"I'm planning to travel abroad next summer." (我打算明年夏天出国旅行。)
"Have you ever traveled abroad?" (你有没有出过国?)
"She's always wanted to travel abroad, but she's never had the opportunity." (她一直想出国旅行,但从来没有机会。)

The phrase "passport" refers to a government-issued document that allows a person to travel internationally. A passport typically includes your personal information, such as your name, date of birth, and a photograph of yourself. It also includes a unique identification number and is usually valid for a certain number of years.

In most cases, you will need a passport to travel abroad, as it is often required by foreign governments as proof of your identity and citizenship. However, there are some exceptions, such as when you are traveling to a country that allows visa-free travel for citizens of certain countries.

Here are some example sentences using the word "passport":

"I need to renew my passport before I can travel abroad." (我需要在出国前续签护照。)
"Do you have your passport with you?" (你有带护照吗?)
"I lost my passport while I was traveling abroad." (我在出国时丢失了护照。)

最佳回答 2023-03-14