"凶" (xiōng) is a Chinese word that means "violent" or "ferocious." In English, you could translate this word as "violent," "ferocious," "fierce," or "menacing."

Here are a few example sentences using "violent" as the translation for 凶:

The storm was very violent and caused a lot of damage.
He had a reputation for being violent and unpredictable.
The movie was rated R for its violent content.

If you're using the word to describe someone's speech or manner of speaking, you could use the phrase "threatening language" or "threatening tone" to convey the sense of 凶.

For example:

She used threatening language when she spoke to him.
He spoke in a threatening tone, making it clear he was not to be messed with.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

最佳回答 2023-03-09