"Record address" is a term that could be used to describe the act of storing or saving an address or location for future reference. It could refer to writing down an address on a piece of paper or saving it in a computer program or database.

The term "record" comes from the Latin "recordari," which means "to recall to mind," and is used in English to describe the act of preserving information for future reference or as evidence. "Address" is a noun that comes from the Old French "adresse," which means "direction" or "request," and is used to describe the location of a person or place, or the way in which someone can be contacted or reached.

Here are some examples of how "record address" could be used in English, along with their translations:

"I recorded the address of the restaurant so I wouldn't get lost on the way there." (我记录了餐馆的地址,这样我就不会在去的路上迷路了。)
"I need to record the address of my new apartment so I can give it to my friends." (我需要记录下我新公寓的地址,这样我就可以告诉我的朋友们了。)
"The program allows you to record addresses and phone numbers for all of your contacts." (这个程序允许你记录所有联系人的地址和电话号码。)

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