"超越自我" 的英文表达是 "transcend oneself"。这个词组来自哲学领域,最早的记录可以追溯到古希腊哲学家亚里士多德。在他的哲学中,"超越自我" 指的是人类通过追求智慧和真理而达到的自我超越。


"In order to transcend oneself, one must be willing to put in the time and effort to understand the world and oneself." (要想超越自我,就必须愿意花时间和精力去理解世界和自己。)
"Transcendence is the act of going beyond the limits of ordinary experience, transcending oneself and finding a deeper understanding of the universe." (超越是超越平凡经验的极限,超越自我并找到对宇宙更深层的理解。)
"Self-transcendence is the process of pushing beyond one's own boundaries and limitations to achieve a higher level of understanding and growth." (自我超越是超越自己的界限和局限,达到更高理解和成长的过程。)

最佳回答 2023-08-13