Passive-Negative in English can be expressed as "Passive Voice with Negative Connotation". The passive voice is a grammatical construction where the subject of the sentence is not the performer of the action but rather the recipient of the action. The negative connotation is when the sentence conveys a negative meaning or attitude.

The passive voice originated from Latin and was later adopted into English. It is often used in written or formal language to sound more objective or to emphasize the action or event rather than the performer. However, it can also be used to downplay the responsibility of the performer or to create a negative impression.

Here are some English examples with their Chinese translation:

The cake was not eaten by John. (约翰没有吃蛋糕。)
The job was not done by the workers. (工人们没有完成工作。)
The mistake was not noticed by anyone. (没有人注意到错误。)

最佳回答 2023-07-29