"Autumn Tour" in English is "Fall Tour". "Fall" is the season between summer and winter, and it is also commonly used to refer to the season of autumn. The word "fall" comes from the Old English word "feallan" which means "to fall" and is likely related to the way leaves fall from trees during this season.


"I'm planning a fall tour to see the changing leaves in New England." (我正在计划一次秋游去新英格兰看变色的树叶。)
"The fall tour of the wineries is a must-do for anyone visiting Napa Valley." (秋季酒庄之旅是游览纳帕谷的必做之事。)
"I can't wait for the fall tour to start, I've been looking forward to it for months." (我等不及秋游开始了,我已经期待了几个月。)

最佳回答 2023-07-21