"April Fool's Day" in English is pronounced as "əˈprɪl fuːls deɪ"(读音为 [əˈprɪl fuːls deɪ])。

April Fool's Day is a holiday celebrated on April 1st, where people play pranks and practical jokes on each other. The origin of the holiday is uncertain, but it is believed to date back to ancient civilizations where people celebrated the start of spring with merrymaking and hijinks.

Here are some English examples and their Chinese translations:

"Happy April Fool's Day!" = "愚人节快乐!"
"I can't believe you fell for that April Fool's prank!" = "我真不敢相信你竟然上了那个愚人节的当!"
"Don't forget to plan a good prank for April Fool's Day!" = "别忘了为愚人节计划一个好的恶作剧!"

最佳回答 2023-05-30