In English, the word "调皮" is typically translated as "mischievous" or "naughty." It comes from the Middle English word "mischivous," which means "causing trouble or annoyance; causing mischief."

Here are some examples of how you might use the word "mischievous" in a sentence:

The mischievous child couldn't resist pulling on the cat's tail.
The teacher scolded the class for their mischievous behavior.
The mischievous prankster filled the teacher's whiteboard with silly drawings.

It's worth noting that "mischievous" is often used to describe playful or lighthearted behavior, rather than serious or harmful behavior. If someone is being truly malicious or harmful, you might use a different word, such as "mean" or "cruel."

最佳回答 2023-01-27