在乎 can be translated to English as "care" or "concern." It comes from the Chinese verb 在乎, which means "to care about" or "to be concerned about."

For example:

我在乎你的感受。 (In English: I care about how you feel.)
他不在乎这件事。 (In English: He doesn't care about this matter.)
她很在乎这场考试的成绩。 (In English: She cares a lot about her grade on this test.)

Additionally, 在乎 can also be translated as "value" or "regard." For example:

我很在乎你的意见。 (In English: I value your opinion.)
他不太在乎这件事。 (In English: He doesn't regard this matter as important.)
她很在乎维护她的声誉。 (In English: She values maintaining her reputation.)

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