This comes from the Chinese numbering system, where "一" (yī) means "one" and "亿" (yì) means "hundred million." In English, we use the word "million" to represent one million, so we use the phrase "one hundred million" to represent one billion in Chinese.
"他的财富超过一亿美元" (tā de cái fù chāo guò yī yì měi yuán) in Chinese is "His wealth is over one hundred million dollars" in English.
"这个公司的年销售额达到了一亿美元" (zhè gè gōng sī de nián xiāo shòu é dá dào le yī yì měi yuán) in Chinese is "The company's annual sales reached one hundred million dollars" in English.
最佳回答 2024-10-11