The phrase "请用英语回答我" in English is "Please answer me in English."

The phrase "请" in English means "please" or "kindly." It is used as a polite way to make a request or ask for something.

The phrase "用英语" in English means "in English." It specifies the language that the speaker would like the listener to use when answering or communicating.

The phrase "回答" in English means "answer." It refers to the act of responding to a question or inquiry.

The phrase "我" in English means "me" or "my." It is used as a pronoun to refer to the speaker.

Example in English:

"Please answer me in English."

Example in Chinese:


Example translation in Chinese:

"请用英语来回答我的问题" (Please answer my question in English.)

最佳回答 2024-07-24