

Boost(提升): to increase the level or amount of something
Example: Our new marketing campaign will boost sales by 20%.

Leverage(利用): to use something to your advantage
Example: We will leverage our strong social media presence to reach a wider audience.

Amplify(放大): to make something stronger or more intense
Example: Our new TV ad will amplify our brand message.

Promote(推广): to make something more popular or successful
Example: We will promote our new product through a series of online ads.

Highlight(突出): to draw attention to something
Example: We will highlight the unique features of our product in our new advertising campaign.


Our new marketing strategy will leverage the power of social media to amplify our brand message and promote our products.
We will use digital advertising to boost awareness of our new product and highlight its unique features.

最佳回答 2024-07-24