"It's bad for the eyes" 或 "It's harmful to the eyes" 是表达这个意思的常用说法。这个说法源自人们对长时间看屏幕会对眼睛造成伤害的担忧。

例句1: "I try to avoid reading on my phone because it's bad for my eyes."

例句2: "I have to wear glasses now because of all the time I spent on the computer - it's harmful to the eyes."
翻译2: "我现在要戴眼镜了,因为我在电脑前花了太多时间,对眼睛有害。"

例句3: "The bright sunlight is bad for the eyes, you should wear sunglasses."
翻译3: "阳光很明亮,对眼睛不好,你应该戴墨镜。"

最佳回答 2024-07-23