"面向未来" 的英文表达是 "looking to the future"。

这个短语的来源可以追溯到英语中的名言 "look to the future",意思是指将注意力放在未来,而不是纠缠于过去或现在。这句话常用来鼓励人们不断前进,而不是停滞不前。

下面是一些使用 "looking to the future" 的例句:

We should be looking to the future and planning for what's to come. (我们应该面向未来,为将来做打算。)
The company is looking to the future and investing in new technologies. (这家公司正在面向未来,投资新技术。)
Instead of dwelling on the past, we need to be looking to the future and making positive changes. (我们不应该纠缠于过去,而应该面向未来,做出积极的改变。)

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