"I believe our tomorrow will be better" 可以用英文表达为 "I believe tomorrow will be better"。这是一个乐观的表达,表示对未来充满希望。

其中 "I believe" 是 "我相信" 的意思, "tomorrow" 是 "明天" 的意思, "will be" 是 "会是" 的意思, "better" 是 "更好" 的意思。


"I believe that things will get better with time." (我相信随着时间的流逝,事情会变得更好。)
"I believe in the power of positive thinking, and that tomorrow will be a better day." (我相信积极思考的力量,明天会是更好的一天。)
"I believe that with hard work and determination, we can make tomorrow better than today." (我相信通过努力工作和坚定决心,我们可以使明天比今天更好。)

最佳回答 2024-07-22