"Does a horse know how to swim?" in English.

The phrase "Does a horse know how to swim?" is an idiomatic expression that is used to express skepticism or doubt about something that seems unlikely or impossible. It is similar in meaning to the phrases "Can pigs fly?" or "Is the Pope a Buddhist?" which are also used to express disbelief or incredulity.

This phrase is often used in informal or colloquial contexts, and it is not commonly found in formal writing or speech.


"I heard that Joe is going to run for mayor. Does a horse know how to swim?"
"She said she's going to finish that book in one day. Does a horse know how to swim?"
"He thinks he can beat the champion in a marathon. Does a horse know how to swim?"


"听说 Joe 想竞选市长, 马会游泳吗?"
"她说她会在一天之内完成那本书, 马会游泳吗?"
"他认为他能在马拉松中击败冠军, 马会游泳吗?"

最佳回答 2023-12-06