"Caring for stray animals" is a phrase that can be used to express the act of showing concern and providing assistance to animals that are living on the streets or in other conditions of abandonment. The phrase "stray animals" refers to animals that have been separated from their owners or have no homes.


"Many people in the community are working together to improve the welfare of stray animals."
"She volunteers at a local animal shelter where they take care of stray cats and dogs."
"I always try to help stray animals I see on the street by providing them with food and water."


"她在当地的一个动物收容所做志愿者, 他们照顾流浪猫和狗。"
"我总是试着帮助我在街上看到的流浪动物, 给他们提供食物和水。"

最佳回答 2023-12-05