"Hand sweat" in English is commonly referred to as "palmar hyperhidrosis." It is a medical condition characterized by excessive sweating of the hands. The exact cause of the condition is not fully understood, but it is believed to be related to overactivity of the sweat glands.

Some example sentences in English and their translations in Chinese:

"I have palmar hyperhidrosis, so my hands are always sweaty." (我有手汗症,所以我的手总是湿漉漉的。)
"The antiperspirant I use only helps a little with my hand sweat." (我使用的止汗剂只能起到一点帮助。)
"My palmar hyperhidrosis makes it difficult for me to shake hands with people." (我的手汗症让我很难和人握手。)

It is a common condition, and can be treated with antiperspirants, iontophoresis, or Botox injections. In more severe cases, a surgical procedure called endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS) may be recommended.

最佳回答 2023-10-10