"Ugly duckling" is used in English to describe an unattractive or awkward person or thing, especially when compared to others of the same species or type.

It comes from a fairy tale by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen, called "The Ugly Duckling." The story tells of a young swan that is born in a duck's nest and is teased and rejected by other birds for its looks, but eventually transforms into a beautiful swan.

Example sentences:

Despite her childhood nickname as the "ugly duckling," she grew up to be a stunning woman.
The company's new product was originally considered an "ugly duckling," but eventually became a best-seller.


尽管她童年时被称为"丑小鸭", 但她长大后成为了一位美丽的女人。
该公司的新产品最初被认为是一只"丑小鸭", 但最终成为了畅销产品。

最佳回答 2023-09-10