"My campus life is colorful" 可以用英语表达为 "My campus life is rich and diverse".

其中, "rich" 指丰富多彩, "diverse" 指多样化, 是指校园生活中的各种活动和经历是丰富多样的。


"My campus life is rich and diverse, I'm able to join different clubs and organizations, and have many different experiences."
"The university has a diverse range of student activities, my campus life is very rich and fulfilling."
"I'm so grateful for the rich and diverse campus life I have here, it's allowed me to meet people from all different backgrounds and experience new things."

来源: "rich and diverse" 这个短语是由两个单词组成的, "rich" 和 "diverse", 它们都有“丰富”和“多样”的意思。

最佳回答 2023-08-17