"Appreciation of famous phrases in English" can be translated into Chinese as "名句欣赏英语".

Famous phrases in English often come from literature, poetry, song lyrics, and speeches. They can be idiomatic expressions, memorable quotes, or catchy slogans. They are cherished for their memorable expressions, inspiring messages, and universal themes.

Examples of famous English phrases and their Chinese translations include:

"To be or not to be" - Hamlet, by William Shakespeare (是与不是)
"All that glitters is not gold" - The Merchant of Venice, by William Shakespeare (闪光的不一定都是金子)
"Rome was not built in a day" - A proverb (罗马不是一天建成的)
"Carpe diem" - Horace (抓住今天)
"The early bird catches the worm" - A proverb (早起的鸟儿有虫吃)

Note: These phrases may have slight variations in translation depending on context and usage.

最佳回答 2023-07-28