"Fotiaoqiang" 的英文翻译是 "Buddha Jumps Over the Wall". 这个词汇的来源是指一道烹饪菜肴,即 "佛跳墙"。这道菜肴最早起源于福建省,它是一道复杂的海鲜炖菜,其特点是鲜香可口。传说在一次宴会上,有位僧人品尝了这道菜,被其鲜香所吸引,便说出了“佛跳墙”的话,意思是说僧侣即使严格遵守禁食法,也会被这道菜的诱惑所吸引。


"Buddha Jumps Over the Wall is a traditional Chinese delicacy that originated in Fujian province."
"The soup was so delicious, it made me think of Buddha Jumps Over the Wall."
"I heard that Buddha Jumps Over the Wall is one of the most difficult dishes to make."
"Buddha Jumps Over the Wall is a dish that is said to be able to tempt even the most devout vegetarian."

最佳回答 2023-07-25