"Three pairs of socks for two dollars" 是袜子三双两美元的英文表达。

其中 "three pairs" 是 "三双" 的意思, "of" 是介词,表示所属关系, "socks" 是 "袜子" 的意思, "for" 是 "为了" 的意思,"two dollars" 是 "两美元" 的意思。


"I saw a sign that said 'Three pairs of socks for two dollars' at the store." (我在商店看到了一个牌子上写着 '三双袜子两美元' 的标语)
"Do they have any sales on socks? I saw that they were offering three pairs for two dollars." (他们有袜子打折吗?我看到他们有三双两美元的活动)
"I can't believe how cheap these socks are! Three pairs for two dollars is such a great deal." (我简直不敢相信这些袜子有多便宜!三双两美元太划算了)

最佳回答 2023-07-06