In English, we use the phrase "let us recite" or "let us recite together" to refer to the act of reciting or repeating something, such as a poem or a passage from a book, as a group. This phrase is derived from the verb "to recite," which means to speak or repeat aloud, often from memory, something that has been learned or memorized. Here are a few examples of this phrase in use:

Let us recite the Pledge of Allegiance together.
The teacher asked the class to recite the multiplication tables.
The audience joined in as the singer invited them to recite the chorus of the song.

In Chinese, "让我们背书" can be translated as "let us recite" or "let us recite together." This phrase can be used in similar contexts to those mentioned above, where a group of people are reciting something together. For example:

让我们一起背书。 (Let us recite together.)
老师让学生们背书。 (The teacher asked the students to recite.)
观众都跟着演唱者一起背书。 (The audience joined in to recite the chorus with the singer.)

最佳回答 2023-05-07