"Heavyweight new product" in English can be translated as "重磅新品" in Chinese.

This phrase likely comes from the marketing or advertising industry, where it is used to describe a product that is being promoted as particularly noteworthy or important. It may be used to emphasize the significance or novelty of a product, or to indicate that it is a high-quality or top-of-the-line offering.

Here are a few examples of how "heavyweight new product" might be used in English, along with their translations into Chinese:

"Our company is launching a heavyweight new product next month. Stay tuned for more details!" (我们公司下个月将推出一款重磅新品。敬请期待!)

"The heavyweight new product from XYZ Corporation has been generating a lot of buzz in the industry." (XYZ公司的重磅新品已在行业内引起轰动。)

"The company's latest release is a heavyweight new product that is sure to turn heads in the market." (这家公司最新发布的是一款必定会在市场上引人注目的重磅新品。)

最佳回答 2023-05-07