周末做作业英语可以用 "do homework on the weekend" 来表示。这个短语的来源可以从其中的单词来看:"do" 是动词,表示 "做";"homework" 是名词,表示 "家庭作业" 或 "课外作业";"on the weekend" 是介词短语,表示 "在周末"。


I always try to do my homework on the weekend so I don't have to rush through it during the week. (我总是尽量在周末做作业,这样我就不必在工作日匆忙完成。)

My daughter always complains about having to do homework on the weekend, but I think it's important to get it done. (我的女儿总是抱怨周末要做作业,但我认为做完很重要。)

I prefer to do my homework on the weekend because I have more time to focus. (我更喜欢在周末做作业,因为我有更多时间专注。)

My teacher always assigns homework on the weekend, so I have to make sure I set aside time to get it done. (我的老师总是在周末布置作业,所以我必须确保留出时间完成。)

最佳回答 2023-05-02